Discussing LGBTQI+ care with Opening Doors London

We work with many fantastic organisations and charities at Alternative Care Services.

One of our favourites is Opening Doors London (ODL), the UK’s biggest information and support charity older LGBTQI+ people.

On June 13th ODL will host a national ‘Pride in Care’ conference, which aims to bring together leading organisations and members of the LGBTQI+ community to discuss how improvements in the social care industry can be made.


Who will be speaking at the ODL Pride in Care conference?

So we are excited and thrilled that our Managing Director Ramses Underhill-Smith will be guest speaker at the event.

Ramses will be speaking alongside the esteemed Dr Rebecca Jones (Senior Lecturer in Health at The Open University) and Dr Jane Traies (Oral Historian) on LGBTQI+ identities ageing in the social care system.

Alternative Care Services Managing Director RamsesWhat will be discussed at the Pride in Care event?

Throughout the day there will be numerous talks on various subjects ranging from Dementia and cancer within the LGBT community, housing advice, improving mental health, living longer with HIV and how best to cope with social isolation.

Other speakers on the day will include Alice Wallace, Director of Opening Doors London, Dr Ben Thomas, Professor of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities in the School of Health and Social Care at London South Bank University and Anna Kear, CEO of Tonic Housing.


When is the ODL Pride in Care Conference?

Pride in Care conference will kick-off on June 13th at 9:30am and is an all-day event, there are still tickets available if you’d like to go along to take part in any of these fascinating discussions.


Where is it being held?

The event is being held at the Roberts Building, University College London, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE.

For more information on the Opening Doors London Pride in Care conference, click here.

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