At Alternative Care Services the health, wellbeing and safety of our clients, staff and partners is our top priority – every single day.

The situation with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) continues to develop, and as of Friday, March 13th, the UK government decided that they are no longer testing for the COVID-19 virus and are asking anyone who has symptoms to self-isolate straight away.

Working with our local health team doctor, we have developed a policy to support our clients, our staff and partners to ensure we are protecting and supporting everyone we work with. Our policy closely follows the NHS and UK Government guidelines set out for care providers.

I would like to remind you that if you believe you may have been exposed to the virus must still notify NHS 111 immediately.
We also ask that you notify us immediately, if you have any symptoms and think you may have the virus.
Again, we’d like to remind you of the symptoms, which may develop in the 14 days after exposure to someone who has COVID-19 infection:

• cough
• difficulty in breathing
• fever

The self-isolation period is 7 days, but the NHS have said that you must have two days without a fever before you are able to leave self-isolation.

If you have the virus, but are not critical the procedure we can still provide you support.
Our staff will wear gloves, aprons, face masks and eye coverings when supporting you.
We can also go shopping for you and bring to your home. However, all waste (yours and our PPE) will have to remain in your home until the self-isolation period is over.

We are available to speak over the phone or via email at any time of the day or night.

If you have symptoms or believe you may have been infected and have any of the pre-existing illnesses:
Respiratory illnesses
Heart disease
Cystic fibrosis
or anyone who is not capable of any self-care or are in a very weakened or critical state we will:

We will call emergency services to be administered into the hospital for urgent medical attention. We will call for an ambulance transfer you to a hospital, and inform the ambulance call handler of the potential links to COVID-19.

Following the patient transfer to hospital, we will leave your home and advise that no visitors go to your home as it should be closed and should not be used until further advice is provided by the local Health Protection Team.

We will also contact:
Our local health protection team
Public Health England

What will happen if our staff become infected:

If a member of staff is concerned they have COVID-19 they will contact 111 immediately and follow the NHS guidance. They will contact us (ACS) immediately, self-isolate immediately and follow the PHE guidance. They will not visit or care for individuals until safe to do so.

We will also alert you immediately if our staff have become effected and you have had any contact with them.

While staff are self-isolating we will provide cover with another member of staff and we may have to use staff from another agency.

Your health and safety is our number one priority, as is the health and safety of our staff. We are available to speak any time you need us and will support you through these uncertain times.

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