Let’s Talk About Care

Our Managing Director, Ramses Underhill-Smith recently spoke to the folks at Let’s Talk About Care podcast.

A media platform that cares about the care sector, the podcast aims to give people hope for the future. It brings funny, heartwarming and inspiring stories about care and hear from experts, policy makers and celebrities as well as those receiving and giving care.

Host Angeline Albert asked Ramses why care homes and home care agencies should champion LGBT+ rights.

Not only does Ramses conclusively answer the question, he shares his personal insight into why it matters.

You can listen to it here:

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We have been featured in Camden Council Proud Stories!


Alternative Care Services and our Managing Director Ramses, have been featured on the Camden Council Proud Stories series.

Marking the London borough’s vibrant and diverse LGBT+ communities, the local authority is sharing stories from some of the people that help to make Camden a diverse and accepting place to live.

Our MD, Ramses took the time to explain why it’s important to be open and inclusive, and why LGBT support is vital for our community.

You can read more about Camden’s Proud Stories series here:


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What it means to be LGBTQI+

There are many types of sexual orientations and gender identities, so we explain what they all stand for:

L – Lesbian: a woman who is attracted to other women

G – Gay: a man who is attracted to other men or broadly people who identify as homosexual

B – Bisexual: a person who is attracted to both men and women

T – Transgender: a person whose gender identity is different from the sex the doctor put down on their birth certificate

Q – Queer: originally used as a discriminatory term, more recently, the term is used by people who are not heterosexual and/or not cisgender and people who reject traditional gender identities and seek a broader and deliberately ambiguous alternative to the label.

Q – Questioning: a person who is still exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity

I – Intersex: a person whose body is not definitively male or female. This may be because they have chromosomes which are not XX or XY or because their genitals or reproductive organs are not considered “standard”

A – Allies: a person who identifies as straight but supports people in the LGBTQQIAAP community

A – Asexual: a person who is not attracted in a sexual way to people of any gender

P – Pansexual: a person whose sexual attraction is not based on gender and may themselves be fluid when it comes to gender or sexual identity

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